Upcoming Attractions
Some of the amazing projects that we are working on bringing to life in the near future. These projects will provide additional features and improve the experience of our service.

Secondary Exchange
We are going through the regulatory approval process in order to facilitate a secondary exchange. This will inject additional liquidity into fractional purchases
Auctions: Fractional Bidding
Sealed Bids
Pre - auction, we invite bids for an item with a specified bid amount and a minimum equity share required for that bid amount.

Competitive bids pooled
We take the bids and pool them together to match the current auction bid price such that the minimum equity requirement is satisfied for each participant.
Real Time Automatic
Bidding Process
If the current auction bid increases, we sort through the competitive sealed bids again to be able to bid higher than the current auction bid while ensuring that each participants minimum equity share requirement is met. If we don't meet this requirement then the auction is not won by the pooled group.